Find Cloud users based job titles you need
with our cloud users email list

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Cloud users jobs email list
If your product or service is aimed at people working in Cloud related roles, then our cloud users jobs email list, provides a great starting point. Cloud compute is an extremely high growth area with promises of reduced operational costs and higher agility, amongst other benefits. The use of cloud compute cuts across many markets, from industrials, to financials, telecoms and many more.
You can select an individual cloud related job title, combine them, or even specify keywords, such as “AWS*“, thereby including any job title containing “AWS”. For example:
People Skills Market Countries
Cloud Architect any Financials US & Canada
‘AWS’ Networking Industrial EMEA
If you would like a quick count of the email addresses we hold for your cloud jobs based query, simply use the form on this page.
* AWS – Amazon Web Services, Amazon’s cloud compute offering
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CTO email list
Popular Cloud job title email lists
Please remember, the below are just a selection of some of the entries we hold in our cloud email list. If you don’t see job titles listed that you are interested in, just ask, we will be very happy to assist.

Cloud Architect email list

Cloud Engineer email list

Cloud Infrastructure email list

VP Cloud email list
Return to the parent pages to see all the options
Email list pricing example
Sending a message to 5,000 B2B users from one of our lists, would cost just $1,330 / €1,170 / £1,000. That's just $0.27 per message, going directly to the inbox of a highly targeted B2B user.
Prefer to buy the data outright and import into your platform? That would be $2,400 / €2,100 / £1,800. Data is delivered to you as a csv or xls file.
Please see a case study and ROI on this page.
The Right Data for the Right Results
You need to be sure your message is getting to the right person.
With a combination of human and machine analysis, our database is cleaned and categorized to the highest accuracy and quality.
You can target with confidence.
You don't need to settle for simple off-the-shelve categories.
Combine ANY of our filters with countries / regions to build your own fully customized email list.
Don't see what you need? No problem, pick your own keywords.
Our multi-stage email verification process checks syntax, removes generic emails, confirms domains and SMTP responses.
Our bounce-back guarantee will replace anything below 90% delivery.
Your investment is safe with us.