B2B Email lists

Guaranteed 95% deliverability

Accurate targeting

Sending service

.csv or excel file delivery
B2B email list
Our B2B email lists enables you to run a highly effective targeted email marketing campaign. Whether you have a big pitch targeting executive level contacts, or lower level selling into managers and individual contributors, we have the data. A direct email campaign is a great way to:
- Promote your brand
- Position your product or service
- Build interest with regular mailings
- Target specific technology user job titles
- Reach users working in specific skills fields
- Find attendees for webinars
- Invite users to conferences
Let us send your campaign for you, or buy our data outright and control everything yourself.
Request your free email count today and take the first step towards new sales leads
Accurate data
Marketwise puts resources every week into keeping our data clean, accurate and up to date. We use a combination of both manual effort and automation to ensure our skills, discipline, research areas, job titles and markets are accurate, along with Names. This means your message is more likely to reach the most relevant contact, increasing your chances of success.
Deliverable data
Our multi-stage process means that we are confident in very high (>95%) email deliverability. Our data is always cleaned after every use, with unsubscribes and bounces removed. In other words, you can have confidence your message will actually reach the inbox of the right people.
Learn how you can help deliverability with our guide to avoiding the spam folder.
Choose individual countries, regions or combinations, such as "Europe, but exclude Switzerland", or "North America and Brazil".
Data policies compliant
We comply to all relevant laws, such as GDPR and CAN-SPAM so you don't have to worry.
Request a free email count

CEO email list

CTO email list

Tech Skills email list: Cyber Security
Reaching your B2B email list targets
We have five primary ways to target your campaign, People, Skills, Markets, Countries and lastly, by the size of the business, so you can reach exactly the right people.
Combine any filter terms to build your custom B2B email list, for example:

Target your email campaign by market sector. Popular B2B markets include:
See the full list
Reach people with a particular job title. Popular people search terms include:
See the full list
Do you want to target a particular skillset for your email campaign? Popular skills include:
See the full list
Validated and Verified data for B2B users
Marketwise puts resources every week into keeping our data clean, accurate and up to date. Our multi-stage process means that we are confident in very high (>95%) email deliverability. In other words, you can have confidence your message will actually reach the right people.
Every contact passes through over 500 checks to ensure the accuracy of our categorizations.
Clean and accurate data means you can personalise with higher confidence and therefore expect to see higher response rates. Target the exact job title, market or skill that you need.
Customizing your B2B email list

Country Targeting
Step one is to select your desired People, Markets, Skills, the geographic reach of your campaign and send them to us. Marketwise will then carefully filter our B2B users email list and let you know how many possible users meet your criteria.
If you have any queries, please send us an email, or use the contact form above. We aim to reply to all messages within 2 working days. If your query is more urgent, please let us know.
The database is regularly cleaned and updated, as a result, we ensure the highest accuracy. Our lists are used frequently by many well-known companies, conference producers, market researchers and publishers.
To help get the most from your campaign, please take a look around our Marketing tips pages, such as improving open rates, click through rates, A/B testing or avoiding the spam folder.
Sending your B2B email list campaign
Marketwise is highly experienced in e-marketing and offers a one stop service for your B2B based email campaign. We provide a low cost, but effective emailing solution based around two options: Promote and Nurture. We can provide full statistical campaign analysis and recommendations, therefore maximising the value you receive. Also check out our popular packages for webinar and conference promotions.
Your email message can be sent when you want, to fit with your other plans. Since we are responsible for sending the message, we are also responsible for GDPR / CAN-SPAM and other legal requirements.
A personal service
Marketwise is an SME business, we minimise our costs to offer our services at very competitive prices. It also allows us to deal with your enquiries and orders at a personal level, assuring you of the best possible service.
Email list pricing example
Sending a message to 5,000 B2B users from one of our lists, would cost just $1,330 / €1,170 / £1,000. That's just $0.27 per message, going directly to the inbox of a highly targeted B2B user.
Prefer to buy the data outright and import into your platform? That would be $2,400 / €2,100 / £1,800. Data is delivered to you as a csv or xls file.
Please see a case study and ROI on this page.
The Right Data for the Right Results
You need to be sure your message is getting to the right person.
With a combination of human and machine analysis, our database is cleaned and categorized to the highest accuracy and quality.
You can target with confidence.
You don't need to settle for simple off-the-shelve categories.
Combine ANY of our filters with countries / regions to build your own fully customized email list.
Don't see what you need? No problem, pick your own keywords.
Our multi-stage email verification process checks syntax, removes generic emails, confirms domains and SMTP responses.
Our bounce-back guarantee will replace anything below 90% delivery.
Your investment is safe with us.