Science email lists
Physical Sciences

Guaranteed 95% deliverability

Accurate targeting

Sending service

.csv or excel file delivery
Physical / Earth science email lists
Marketwise offers various Physical science email lists. We hold a significant number of contacts for the Earth sciences working in a range of roles and locations.
The most popular market for physical science based research are Universities and government organisations, such as Los Alamos for example. Nanotech and material science based research occurs in a variety of markets to a more limited extent.
We love a challenge, so tell us what you need and we will find the right contacts for your physical science product or service promotion.
Email count enquiry
Select a discipline from the options below for further details

Discipline Email List: Analytical Chemistry

Discipline Email List: Climate Science

Discipline Email List: Physics

Discipline Email List: Material Science

Discipline Email List: Nanotechnology
FAQ for Physical scientists email lists
Can I customize Physical Science marketing lists?
Absolutely. Our pre-built Physical scientists email lists are easily customized. Choose filters such as the country, other related disciplines or diseases and the market segment of interest. For example:
- Physics + Climate Science + Environmental Research + USA
- Chemistry + Material Science + Universities + Europe
How do I integrate the Physical scientists data into my CRM?
We make it as simple as possible. Your Physical scientists data is delivered as an industry standard Comma separated value, (CSV) file. When you receive the file from us, save it to a secure location, open your CRM tool and find the “Import Data” or “Import Contacts” option. Upload the Physical scientists CSV file you just saved and the contact data should be quickly imported.
Can you send my Physical scientists email campaign for me?
Yes. We follow the same process to agree your Physical scientists requirements, but instead of delivering the data to you, you deliver your email html file to us. This can be a good option for companies unable to buy email data lists directly. Pricing is available on this page.
What is your process to ensure high quality Physical scientists data?
All our data passes through a highly rigorous classification process. This involves over 500 automated checks for every contact and helps us achieve the highest possible classification accuracy. The second phase to ensuring high quality concerns deliverability. We always clean data using industry standard tools right before delivery to you. Finally, all data is human verified before delivery, since automation still needs a helping hand sometimes. You can be sure your Physical scientists data is accurate AND deliverable.
What is the source of your Physical scientists data?
We only use publicly available information sources of Physical scientists, such as directories and other similar high quality sources. Specifically, we do not engage in web scraping, this results in poor quality data and can land you in trouble with spam regulations.
What payment methods do you accept?
Once you have reviewed and agreed your Physical Science sample data, we will provide you with an invoice. Payment is either via bank transfer, or credit card (subject to a 5% fee we pass on). Banking details are on the invoice. We accept USD, EUR and GBP. Pricing is available on this page.
Find New, Relevant Sales and Marketing Leads for Your Teams
Product and Service Promotion
New Lead
Fill your sales pipeline with potential new leads. Push your marketing message out to new contacts in the Biotech and other key areas.
Build new interest and start to create your own mailing list with converted contacts.
Grow your attendees for your cardiology and other science focused webinars with early promotional campaigns to encourage registration.
Use our dedicated conference package to send a sequence of messages to targeted scientists.
Email list pricing example
Sending a message to 5000 scientists from one of our lists, would cost just $1,330 / €1,110 / £1,000.
That's just $0.27 per message, going directly to the inbox of a highly targeted contact.
Get in touch and tell us what you need !
Email list count enquiry form
Please get in touch and let us know what you need. Useful information includes any custom searches or what roles, markets and skills are of interest. Any extra information you can provide will help us create the best email list for your requirement.
We look forward to hearing from you.