UK B2B Email lists

Guaranteed 95% deliverability

Accurate targeting

Sending service

.csv or excel file delivery
B2B email lists UK
If you are looking for UK based data, then our B2B email lists UK are the perfect match. We maintain a UK based database of over 2 million contacts, covering just about any business sector or market possible.
As a UK based business ourselves, we understand the UK market deeply. This time next year, we want you to be a millionaire.
Whether you are targeting executive level contacts, or selling to managers and individual contributors, we have the data. A direct email campaign is a great way to reach:
- New security leads in Salisbury
- Webinar attendees from Wakefield
- Conference delegates in Coventry
- Business leaders in Birmingham
- Executives in Edinburgh or
- Managers in Manchester
Let us send your UK focused campaign for you, or buy our data outright and control everything yourself.
Request your free email count today and take the first step towards new UK based sales leads

Request a free email count

CEO email list

Just open the damn email !
Blog: Just open the damn email!
Reaching your UK B2B email list targets
We have four primary ways to target your campaign, People, Skills, Markets and lastly, by the size of the business, so you can reach exactly the right people in the UK
Combine any filter terms to build your custom B2B email list UK.
Target your email campaign by market sector. Popular B2B markets include:
See the full list
Reach people with a particular job title. Popular people search terms include:
See the full list
Do you want to target a particular skillset for your email campaign? Popular skills include:
See the full list
Validated and Verified data for B2B users
Marketwise puts resources every week into keeping our data clean, accurate and up to date. Our multi-stage process means that we are confident in very high (>95%) email deliverability. In other words, you can have confidence your message will actually reach the right people.
Every contact passes through over 500 checks to ensure the accuracy of our categorizations.
Clean and accurate data means you can personalise with higher confidence and therefore expect to see higher response rates. Target the exact job title, market or skill that you need.
FAQ for the UK B2B email list
Can I customize the UK B2B email list?
Absolutely. Our pre-built UK B2B email list is easily customized. Choose filters such as the Job title, skills and the market segment of interest. For example:
- UK B2B email list + Executives + Financials
- UK B2B markets + Customer Support leaders + Retailers + hospitality
How do I integrate the UK B2B data into my CRM?
We make it as simple as possible. Your UK B2B data is delivered as an industry standard Comma separated value, (CSV) file. When you receive the file from us, save it to a secure location, open your CRM tool and find the “Import Data” or “Import Contacts” option. Upload the UK B2B CSV file you just saved and the contact data should be quickly imported.
Can you send my UK B2B email campaign for me?
Yes. Just deliver your email html file to us. This can be a good option for companies unable to buy email data lists directly. Pricing is available on this page.
What is your process to ensure high quality UK B2B data?
All our data passes through over 500 automated checks on every contact, for the highest classification accuracy. We always clean data using industry standard tools right before delivery to you. Finally, all data is human verified before delivery, since automation still needs a helping hand sometimes. You can be sure your UK B2B markets data is accurate AND deliverable.
What is the source of your UK B2B data?
We only use publicly available information sources of UK B2B contacts, such as directories and other similar high quality sources. Specifically, we do not engage in web scraping, this results in poor quality data and can land you in trouble with spam regulations.
What payment methods do you accept?
Once you have reviewed and agreed your UK B2B sample data, we will provide you with an invoice. Payment is either via bank transfer, or credit card (subject to a 5% fee we pass on). Banking details are on the invoice. We accept good old British pounds of course, but also USD and EUR. Pricing is available on this page.
What if I am not happy with the results from my UK B2B email list mailing list?
If you experience >5% hard bounces from your UK B2B email list email list, we will give you replacement data to make up the difference. Unfortunately we can’t guarantee the overall performance of your campaign, which will be greatly impacted by your subject line and email content.
Is the UK B2B email list data GDPR and CAN-SPAM compliant?
Yes. Remember, the key with compliance is HOW you use email data. Our rigorous categorization process means your email data is for highly targeted and relevant UK B2B contacts.
Note: if you send the email campaign, you are responsible for compliance, if we send, we are.
UK B2B Email list pricing example
Sending a message to 5,000 B2B users from one of our lists, would cost just £1,000. That’s just 20p per message, going directly to the inbox of a highly targeted B2B user.
Prefer to buy the data outright and import into your platform? That would be £1,800. Data is delivered to you as a csv or xls file.
Please see a case study and ROI on this page.
Get in touch and tell us what you need !
Email list count enquiry form
Useful information includes any custom keywords or what roles, markets and skills are of interest.
Any extra information you can provide will help us create the best email list for your requirement.
We look forward to hearing from you.