+44 (0)1296 713635 info@marketwise.co.uk

Planning a Fall / Autumn email marketing campaign?

September, October and early November are tradionally busy times in the email marketing space.  With the return to work after summer vacations (in the northern hemisphere at least), attention returns to activities such as building new leads, product awareness and event promotion before the year end slow down.  Now is the time to plan your Fall email campaign.

Marketwise takes the strain

We have been helping our customers reach their goals for many years and we pride ourselves on always going the extra mile to maximise the chances of success.

Plan early

An obvious point, but always worth repeating. Please engage with us at the earliest possible stage, to give us time to research your requirements. This research might take a few days, depending on your requirements, so an early heads up can make a big difference when time is tight.

Book early and save money

Sadly we have limited capacity, so its first come, first served.  However, to help you, help us, we are offering a 10% discount for all Fall campaigns booked and confirmed in September. The campaign can run later in the year, but this early visibility is important and very useful for us.

Maximise your campaign efficiency

Another reason to plan early, is to give us time to review your email and send feedback for improvements. Our years of experience has given us a great deal of insight into how to get the most from your email campaign.

This page is a good resource to start from, with further links to pages on improving open and click through rates

…and relax

Well, perhaps you won’t be off to Venice anytime soon, but the sooner you start your campaign, the sooner you will see the new leads, subscriptions and attendees and be able to relax….a little.

Get in touch and tell us what you need !

Email list count enquiry form

Please get in touch and let us know what you need. Useful information includes any custom searches or what roles, markets and skills are of interest. Any extra information you can provide will help us create the best email list for your requirement.

We look forward to hearing from you.