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Are email signatures important in email marketing?

The short answer is yes, great email signatures are important. The longer answer is, yes, but not as important as the email Subject line, preview text and from fields or highly relevant keywords.  In outbound direct email marketing, small changes can make a difference, even if only an extra 0.5% click on the Call to Action, this could be 10s or 100s of extra clicks.

Impersonal emails

Who likes emails from a faceless corporation?! People prefer to receive personal messages, or at a minimum ones that at least appear to be personal.  We’ve talked about making the main body of a message personal here, so why spoil it all, by signing off with a bland corporate message or more normally, with nothing?

Personalize, Personalise, Personalize

An email is split into three sections, the greeting, the body and the ending. Each should be personalised. In this example, we know the name and we know the scientific market they work in.

Hi Sarah,

In this months newsletter, discover the latest veterinary treatments and research news….


Please get in touch with your comments and suggestions.

Best regards

Jane Smith

GlobalCorp Veterinary Communications


Of course the email could be replaced with something generic, such as vet.editor@globalcorp.com, but the point is, this now looks much more personal.

Normally in an email signature you would not include your own email, since someone can hit reply, however that is often not possible in email marketing, so having one is important.

Small changes adding up

Having a great email signature will not transform your email campaign, however it is one more small change that you can introduce. Each small change can add a few more all important Call To Action clicks.

Good luck!

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