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Exercise reduces mortality

Exercise reduces mortality

Exercise and Health A recent study led by Dr Arden Pope, from Brigham Young University, aimed to determine if there was a link between exercise and reduced mortality rates. The study was based on already available data, taken between 1997 and 2014 for the US National...
Depression and Serotonin

Depression and Serotonin

A Comprehensive Review For over thirty years, the general consensus to treat depression has been that it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain of serotonin.  Therefore, depression could be treated by addressing this imbalance, by taking selective...
Johann Mendel

Johann Mendel

Johann Mendel, the Father of Genetics was born today, the 20th July 200 years ago in 1822. His pioneering work with peas is still the basis for genetic understanding as described in the Mendelian Inheritance. Between 1856 and 1863, Mendel set out to try and better...
James Webb Images

James Webb Images

The James Webb Space Telescope One of the greatest scientific achievements of recent times, is the new James Webb space telescope. The largest ever made, weighing in at over six tonnes.  Launched in late 2021, it has taken just six and a half months to manoeuvre into...
Cancer disappeared

Cancer disappeared

100% Success rate Starting in late 2019, a trial of immunotherapy to treat specific cases of rectal cancer enrolled its first patient, back then the phrase “your cancer disappeared” was not thought likely to be needed.  The trial was targeted at rectal...
World MS Day 2022

World MS Day 2022

The role of Epstein-Barr virus in Multiple Sclerosis The is growing evidence of a link between progress of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and the EP virus (EPV).  In a study in the US, those suffering from EPV were thirty two times more likely to go on to develop MS....